Carigiet Cowen Support the RICS Social Impact Design Awards for 2020

Carigiet Cowen was proud to support the RICS Social Impact Design Awards for 2020.

Jody Lauder, Associate Director for Professional Services and Valuation, was nominated to be a Regional Judge within the Education Sector.

The RICS established the award scheme to identify influential design within 8 categories.

The assessment is looking for construction projects that deliver long term lasting benefit to its immediate and surrounding community and occupying user, as well as ensuring that there is an enhanced visitor experience.

The awards concentrate on form, material, design and sustainability, as well as reviewing community engagement and the delivery of need.

With colleagues from the RICS, Jody assessed 11 entries from across the Northwest region and shortlisted 3 for inspection:

•Kaplan Living at One Paddington Village, Liverpool.
•Alliance Manchester Business School, University of Manchester, Manchester.
•Strawberry Fields, Beaconsfield Road, Liverpool.

The RICS Social Impact Design Awards 2020 for the Northwest will be held on Friday 24th April; in an interesting twist this awards ceremony will be held digitally due to the current Covid-19 pandemic.

More information about the Awards can be found at:

Contact Jody Lauder on 07598 046381 or email [email protected]